Sunday, August 30, 2009


A source close to the President of Sri Lanka said that the release of 300,000 innocence civilians have been postponed indefinitely with the government focusing on a plan to resettle them along with the new Sinhala and military settlement that are to be set up in the north.

The source further noted that the plan is to resettle people in areas in Kilinochchi, Mullaitivu, below Mannar and above Vavuniya, where there are currently no people. The plan is said to remove all the old Tamil villages that existed in the respective areas. Although thousands of displaced persons currently living in camps even after completing the security checks, Sri Lanka government said.

Half of the government's stipulated period of 180 days to resettle the displaced persons has lapsed. The government had proposed the above mentioned plan while the others who are supportive of power devolution have objected to it.

Meanwhile, Disaster Management and Human Rights Minister Mahinda Samarasinghe told parliament on the 19th May that the displaced would be resettled by 31st December.

Sri Lanka State of Terror

The entry of ethno-nationalism and the religion as the platform for mass mobilization of racism majority Sinhalese have evolved now into an ethno extremist and religious fundamentalism power base of the current racist Sri Lanka Government.

Sri Lanka, a failed state now spreads the culture of violence beyond the borders and thrives on the state sanctioned kidnappings, assassinations and a war mongering agenda against the minority Hindu Tamils. A paradise island home of serendipity is today a State of Terror which actively practicing ethnic cleansing on Hindu Tamil.

International Community(IC) and Human Rights (HR) activists still pondering over the technicalities are yet to realize recognize and define a new kind of genocide.

The Human Rights Watch has accused the Sri Lanka Army of shelling densely populated civilian areas in the final offensive against the rebels in May, has condemned the Sri Lanka President Mahinda’s failure to investigate attacks on journalists and other civil society activists, and has said that 300,000 Tamil civilians have been interned indefinitely in what are, in effect, Guantanamo-like concentration camps.


We are all united in our sadness of the situation of the 300 Hindu Tamils' though I would not call it upset. We should avoid being upset in order to be helpful. Scope of action depends on where we are and what actions are within our means and how effective we can be.

Dependence on foreign government and IC (International Community) is useless except making use of contradictions among them because they are all pro establishment and pro status quo. We have to do what we can to mobilize the support of the peoples of the world, particularly the oppressed peoples, oppressed Nationalities against oppression and the support of the world Tamils against genocide on the positive side.

On the negative side of hurting the GOSL while using it as a means of educating the people, Boycott of Sri Lanka should be promoted to the maximum. Oppression in any form anywhere should be resisted as this will weaken the oppressors including GOSL who are united, as this would weaken the chain of the enemy.

No doubt we should promote the struggles against GOSL for higher wages and the like. These are all political campaigns and in order to do effectively, our political understanding/perspectives should be clear and realistic.

Democracy and fairness are often misused as we do not relate them to the context. Equally the other concept of Equitability is misused. To start with we should recognize, nature is diverse and society is diverse and there are identifiable groups, the most fundamental and naturally evolved one being Nations.

Equitability between Nations is equally important as equitability within Nations. While democracy is a good tool to achieve fairness and equitability WITHIN NATION, it is the worst tool for fairness or equitability BETWEEN NATIONS and in this case RECOGNIZING THE RIGHT OF SELF DETERMINATIONS IS THE ONLY TOOL.

In other words, Nations should be allowed to choose their future democratically ON THE BASIS OF SELF DETERMINATION, no Nation should be allowed to overlord other Nations. I do not care about countries as their maps were determined by imperialism and to hell with their sovereignty. AS RECOGNIZING THE RIGHT OF SELF DETERMINATION all what can or should be done is to recognize the right of (both) Nations. Self Determination and the let them democratically choose their future, separate, united, etc.

Friday, August 14, 2009


The Sri Lankan government's failure to deliver justice for serious human rights violations over the past sixty years has trapped the country in a vicious cycle of abuse and impunity. The failure of successive Sri Lankan governments to provide accountability for serious human rights violations, including enforced disappearances, killings, torture and rape.

The Sri Lankan government should initiate internal reforms and seek international assistance to prevent ongoing violations and ensure real accountability for past abuses.

300,000 Tamil civilians remain interned without trial in so called "welfare centers" that are concentration camps in all but name. Contrary to international law there is no freedom of movements of the displayed and there is not enough water, food and sanitation.

There have been reports saying that more than 1400 people are dying in the camps every week. As it is almost impossible for independent organizations or international press to enter the camps we do not know what is really happening there.

The Sri Lankan government bears the entire responsibility for the atrocious situation in the camps. According to the Sri Lankan government the Tamil Tigers were completely defeated in the war and no longer exist. However, the government's violence against the Tamil people continues.

I believe that as long as the Sri Lankan government rejects the calls for access and fair treatment of the Tamils interned in the concentration camps, economic sanctions and arms embargo should be imposed against Sri Lanka. The extensive and systematic human rights abuses have to stop.
SL Tamils right for self-determination, territorial integrity and its security is more important for producing positive political results. The future course of the liberation struggle should concentrate on ingenuously posing democratic challenges, locally and internationally, convincing the inevitability of conceding liberation to Sri Lanka Tamils.
The national conflict in the Sri Lanka island is historical and the militant phase is only a part of it. But certain irreversible realities have emerged through the historical process of the last few decades, underlining the need to recognize and accommodate the divide of nations in any future political processes of the island.
The validity of the national cause of Eezham Tamils doesn’t get nullified either by projecting it only as an agenda of militancy or by Sri Lankan state and the IC creating military situations of subjugation.
The Sri Lankan state for chauvinistic reasons, India and the other powers for geopolitical reasons and multinational corporations for economic reasons, have demonstrated in recent times militarily and diplomatically, their intention to keep the geographic entity of the island as a single political entity.
But chauvinism, geopolitics and outside economic interests cannot make the criteria for forging a common national identity to the island. This game on the island is continuing from colonial times and the world is yet to spell out solutions.
If common national identity has not evolved spontaneously in more than a century, the wise decision for the benefit of all concerned is to recognize the divide and to come out with appropriate alternative statecraft.
All the terms as well as concepts such as nation state, independence, sovereignty, right to self-determination etc., are said to be meaningless or are redefined in some parts of the contemporary world, but they have become more meaningful than ever to Eezham Tamils to rehabilitate themselves, to reconcile with the Sinhala nation and to fit themselves into the global process.
Any political formula that doesn’t address the fundamental aspirations of Eezham Tamil nation and is enforced after militarily weakening it, will not resolve the conflict. Any such formula of any powers, even when routed through Tamil proxies, will be seen only as a continuum of the proxy war waged by them.
Open recognition of the nation of Eezham Tamils, its territorial integrity, security, international interaction and its absolute right to self-determination, including the right to secession, can only be the basis at this juncture to consider agreeing upon the unity of the island, if that is what people want.
As world progresses and as regional or global entities take shape, even the Sri Lankan state may not exist tomorrow in the way it exists today. In any such future developments the Eezham Tamils must be able to fit in without losing their identity.
The powers of the international community, especially India, recognition the nation of Eezham Tamils, spelling out its right to self-determination and immediately stepping in guaranteeing its security and territorial integrity are more important for producing positive political results than mooting proxy draft solutions.
A neither secession nor unitary model will take a long time to evolve details and to put them into genuine practice. Some of them are going to be trial and error.
Considering the given attitude of the Sri Lankan state, the magnitude of its militarization and the internationally enacted military subjugation of Tamils, it is futile to expect smooth political experiments to take place in the island unless political fundamentals long aspired by Tamils are conceded in no uncertain terms and there is international presence and guarantee in implementation.
If the international community could forge a singular companionship in abetting Sri Lankan state against Tamils, it should also be able to conceive and implement a unique political solution to the conflict, if it is not expecting another war in the island.
As far as Tamil political groups are concerned there is no guarantee at all in the given set up that just by sacrificing righteous demands they would get anything. The ball is in the court of the aggressors and their abettors to take bold decisions in offering acceptable and long-lasting solutions if they want peace for ‘development’.
Tamil groups should not engage in demoralizing the future course of the liberation struggle by playing in the hands of those who are all out to erase the nationalism of Eezham Tamils. Instead, they should concentrate on ingenuously posing democratic challenges, locally and internationally, convincing the inevitability of conceding liberation to Tamils.